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发布时间:2018-06-14 19:15  来源:汇视网   编辑:feitian  阅读量:12146   


元末明初青花海水云龙纹将军罐    高:54cm 口径:6.9cm 底径:7.6cm



General canister height: 54cm diameter: 6.9cm bottom diameter: 7.6cm

This general can of blue and white flowers: straight mouth, short neck, shoulders and shoulders. Shape, tall, handsome, rich overall like wearing armour, general, a stable shape tall and straight, umbrella cover, can connect body to blue and white decoration, covering paint around peony pattern, seawater YunLongWen wham energetic, composition plump, multiple levels and not messy. The strokes are usually smooth and powerful with a single stroke. Outline rendering is thick and calm. The content of Al2O3 in the foetus increased, the sintering temperature increased, and the deformation rate decreased during roasting due to the dual formula of "porcelain stone + kaolin". Because of this, the body of the fetus is also thick and plump. Milky turbidity is strong. The technology of blue and white flowers has been fully demonstrated. In recent years, the artistic value of tseung kwan has been paid more and more attention by collectors. The general can is a rare sight, and Christie's sold similar items in spring 2017. The growing demand for art has helped keep the art market growing strongly for the foreseeable future. Another trend is that art collections and investments are expanding from personal interests to institutional behaviour, thanks to high returns and intangible value from uniqueness and scarcity. Institutional collection not only increases the consideration of corporate culture, but also is an important investment behavior. At present, the weight of institutional collection in Chinese art consumption is increasing, which conforms to the international law of art collection. And this yuan Ming dynasty blue-and-white sea general YunLongWen cans are rare, with a relatively low price, with extremely strong investment, future appreciation space is huge, is your investment collection of choice.



